Processing Audio into Images/Video

Fri Aug 5 15:05:32 CEST 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 5:00 AM, Jonny Stutters <jstutters at> wrote:
> You could do your processing with Processing (  The minim library (which is included with the standard install) will give you FFT data and beat tracking on live or recorded audio to translate into a visual however you like.  Processing is Java under the hood which may or may not be an issue.  Might be worth considering as alternative to the visual patching metaphor.
> Fluxus ( also springs to mind if you've got a burning desire to learn Scheme.

I downloaded processing last night and it is pretty cool and easy to
get basic results with.  I need to brush up on my DSP programming (a
hurdle I have always managed to avoid jumping) but it looks like a
nice place to start.  And Java is no problem.

VVVV looks pretty interesting as well, and Ill have to check out
Fluxus.  I don't know Scheme, but it cant hurt to try and learn.


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