Processing Audio into Images/Video

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Aug 4 23:26:57 CEST 2011

you can take raw image files (not camera raw) and open them in Audacity as raw binary.

sounds like a modem on amphetamines most of the times..;)

I've also done the reverse, opening a raw sound in photoshop then applying filters on it to hear what they sound like...


On 04.08.2011, at 14:33, Martin Naef wrote:

> On 04.08.2011 8:08, Tony Scharf wrote:
>> I am looking for some way to take audio and turn it into some kind of
>> video or still images.  I know that is a very open-ended goal, but
>> what is out there?  I really know zero about video and what kind of
>> stuff is out there.   Would something like Max be good for this?  I'd
>> prefer something cheaper or free, obviously.
> Max is good for this kind of work, but it's really a very general 
> purpose toolkit - it's essentially a software development environment 
> with a data-flow approach and a strong signal and logic processing 
> library. If you want something quick, this is not the tool for you.
> Look at PureData (PD) as a free alternative to Max. If PD doesn't work 
> for you, Max most likely won't either.
> What exactly do you want to achieve? Would it make sense to find a 
> collaborator instead of doing it yourself? Video is just as involved as 
> music.
> Martin
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