Korg iElectribe for iPhone/iPad

Andrew Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun May 9 23:22:53 CEST 2010

On May 9, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Peter Korsten <peter at severity-one.com> wrote:

> Op 9-5-2010 22:51, Andrew Tarpinian schreef:
>> Also the iPad rocks, hard. At least for me, it truly is a new type of
>> device that I want to have with me at all times. Even I was skeptical
>> before I got it. It transcends "computer," when I want my computer I get
>> my computer, when I want my iPad I get my iPad. Most used function so
>> far? Cutting and skratching with Flare for iPhone on the iPad - it's
>> ridiculous that I can not do this anywhere.
> As I said. Well, I actually said that it's a fridge, but the point is, 
> it's not a computer.

Well keep in mind I am not an "average" computer user, most people just using the net can get away with this - having way more fun than a netbook. When I say I want my computer I mean Adobe CS, 3d, Logic, etc... Which I guess means "work" 

But you are correct, the bigger thing is, it will change peoples idea of what a computer is, at a certain point the gen pop won't have "computers" they will have appliances.

I actually feel silly having to go back to a mouse to do work now, as well as going back to the small touch screen on my phone makes me sad :( 

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