Martin Naef
Wed Mar 17 22:30:19 CET 2010
Tony Scharf wrote:
> So under what license do you release your music? What do you like
> about the model you use over others? If you are actually trying to
> earn income from your music, how does the license model you have
> chosen effect that?
I'm releasing my stuff under Creative Commons - the non-commercial variant.
Essentially, I figured I'm a much better scientist and engineer than a
musician, so I don't expect to ever earn money with my music (If I do -
and I did to a small extent - it's by helping others as a sound and
recording engineer).
For any business to be successful, one has to invest a lot of time and
effort. This is particularly true for the arts, where the top is very
small, and the rest barely makes ends meet. I'd rather invest my efforts
into something where I'm at the top of the game, and enjoy the others as
a hobby. Trying any other way would take my energy away from where I'm
good and successful, and lead to frustration on the others because of
unfulfilled expectations.
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