Eigenharp Pico - anyone??

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Mar 9 18:28:39 CET 2010

Op 9-3-2010 8:48, Martin Naef schreef:

> Quoting Peter Korsten<peter at severity-one.com>:
>> The Chapman stick, now, that one I found fascinating, but when I played
>> Gert's one, I didn't really know what to do with it (even though I've
>> played a guitar a handful of times).
> Funny, the Chapman "clicked" with me rather quickly. Maybe that's
> because I *didn't* play much guitar before.

Well, the good news is that I don't have to buy a Stick, then. ;)

As for guitars, the narrow neck of electric guitars (the only ones that 
are interesting, in my book) and the metal strings makes that I find 
them rather uncomfortable to play.

- Peter

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