More presonus grief.

Fri Jun 25 08:00:53 CEST 2010


Quoting Tony Scharf <noisetheorem at>:
> So I talked with them on monday.  They determined I need to send it in
> for service.  I sent them a form to get an RA and now...nothing.  Sent
> it in on tuesday, and havnt heard back from them yet.
> Have any of your return experiences been like this?
> Man, I hate audio equipment manufacturers.  They treat the lower and
> middle segments of the market like absolute trash.

I think you should relax a lot. I still remember a time when things  
like these were dealt with by mail, and any reply would take days and  
sometimes weeks... It's only been two days for you so far, and maybe  
one of the two service reps is off sick...

I could go on a rant on how everything has to NOW, with instant  
gratification, but with a big discount. I think I'd rather let it be...


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