Midi Message Generator

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jul 16 09:31:29 CEST 2010

Hi m@,

> Does anyone here know of a simple app which generates simple midi hex
> code via a GUI?
> Note on, note off, PC, CC, realtime etc.

There's MIDI OX.


The Control Panel  in it "....allows you to send various Controller and
other messages. It allows you to send MIDI events to both the display,
and MIDI output. By using it you can send Patch changes, volume, pan
etc. in real time. It is a non-modal dialog box, which means you can
keep it open all the time the program is running. "

No note on or off though.

Aha...but there is a MIDI Scratchpad.

" Either Command or Display windows can be used to send non-sysex
messages in "raw" hex format. For example, a Middle C note-on message on
channel 1 with a velocity of 127 would be:

90 3C 7F

If you type this line into one of the windows and select Send
Scratchpad, the note should sound on the instrument selected as the MIDI
out port (and not stop sounding until you send a message to turn it off,
by the way). You can type in multiple messages, with each message on a
new line. 

90 3C 7F

90 3C 00

If you select a line, or multiple lines, then only the selected lines
will be sent. Otherwise, all of the lines in the window will be sent.
You don't need to separate the bytes with spaces and case is not
important. So:


works fine."

I found it by selecting View -> Sysex... to get the SysEx View and
Scratch pad.  Type your Hex in the Command Window and then select
Command Window -> Send Scratch Pad.



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