"We have always been at war with WikiLeaks."

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Dec 16 18:05:37 CET 2010

Op 16-12-2010 14:24, The Dong schreef:

> Somehow, I think this will all end very badly.

Personally, I think that Julian Assange and the whole WikiLeaks team are 
a bunch of wankers. Fine, they show us all the secrets of the US 
government (and a few others), but what's their agenda? That question 
remains strangely unasked, let alone answered.

Publishing the documents about the Iraq war, that I can see the point 
of. More transparency there won't hurt anyone, despite claims to the 
contrary. But publishing memos that by their nature should remain 
confidential? What's next, pillow talk between Barack and Michelle Obama?

- Peter

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