Uk bill ..

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Apr 8 14:21:12 CEST 2010

The Dong schreef:
> gert van santen wrote:
>> For an important bill with a huge impact on Britain’s future, that’s a 
>> shocking disappointment.
> Britain has never been a democracy.

I'm affraid I have to conclude that no country in the world is a 
democracy. Democracy is a toy for "elected" politicians to do 
with us whatever they want and to rob us from as much of the 
money we have earned.

Same thing here in NL. Our governments have thrown away our tax 
money for decades on things like an immense army of civil 
servants that is checking on every aspect of our lives and a 
ridiculous immigration and integration policy, while pestering 
everyone that works hard and wants to get something done.

Doomed. Yeah.



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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