New track

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Sep 20 20:01:12 CEST 2009

Hi Micke,

Others will give good advice about structure etc, but generally, this is 
altogether very close to what you're aiming for, IMHO. I like the vocals, and 
the space of the sounds, and the tempo of the way the story unfolds.

For me, for sure, the thing that's not quite there is the fact it sounds 
synthetic, in the wrong way, in that the vocals are perfectly (I'm sure otehrs 
will object) recorded, and the synths are all exactly right.

This undermines the music, a bit, because the emotion that goes in to music 
making is imperfect, so, it's a bit out of balance, for that reason.

When using such high quality gear (ie, ordinary computer, good AD conversion and 
synths), the issue of texture can be tricky. If it were me, I'd chuck one or 
several tracks through a tube unit of some kind, but... that, I sense, is not 
the answer.

Probably, if you grabbed a decent analogue mixer from somewhere (complete with 
slightly crackly sliders etc), and did a mix through that, and keep all the 
otherwise high quality signal paths, after you've done about twenty tracks like 
that, you'd start to reach levels that are very difficult to obtain using purely 
digital gear. Having mastered that... you could go back to digital, and I think 
you'd find ways of encompassing the breadth of sound you discovered when mixing 
old style.

Just my thoughts. Some noise, and very subtle distortion are missing.

Tony (HB)

Mikael Hansson wrote:
> It's called "Tubes of Colors" and it contains me on instruments and my 
> friend Mathias on vocals
> <>
> Not much effort put into mixing yet so comments and suggestions are as 
> usual very welcome.
> /Micke
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