New track

Mikael Hansson EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Sep 20 14:03:09 CEST 2009

Martin Naef skrev:
> Definitely a very nice one! Here's some comments:
> I think the initial buildup that Joost didn't like is good, but too 
> long: One "step" too much - so I'd cut about the first 15 seconds.
> I'm in two minds about Gert's comment regarding the early break. On the 
> one hand, I think it does fit nicely where it is, on the other hand, it 
> would certainly be more "dramatic" later on.
> Production wise, I'm not overly happy with the vocals. They don't "glue" 
> together with the rest and should be more up-front. For a start, they're 
> not in the center, but rather come from left and right - I assume you 
> used the short delay left/right trick to make them bigger? It's a good 
> idea, but you've overcooked it on this one. I would only use such a 
> strong effect in a chorus or to emphasize certain parts. For example, at 
> 5:25 you have the background voice - I'd exactly reverse the effects 
> between the two parts.
> For the main voice, I'd mainly try it bit of EQ (+ a little early 
> reflections) and compression to bring it upfront. Also, a de-esser 
> wouldn't be out of place. Next time you record a track, you might want 
> to play with different mic positions.
> The instruments are pretty much spot on.

Thanks Martin!

Yes, we certainly need to put more effort into vocal recording...but 
we're always short on time when we manage to meet up and make music.
The left right thing is actually two takes. I'll try to implement your 

Any suggestions regarding the reverb on the vocals?


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