Dein Daybreak -- new track

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Mar 3 10:06:02 CET 2009

K9 Kai Niggemann schreef:
> Thank you Gert, I will certainly look into that.
> funny that you say that about the catchiness -- it's older than "Angel  
> of Berlin" and when we first played the demo to friends, it was the  
> first track they all liked more than any other... now it seems  
> "Angel.." is superseding it? I got some very good feedback from many  
> many people. Let's see where we can take this whole project...!

I am very interested to see where it;s going. You've got some 
really good stuff there.

I'm waiting for an album :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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