
Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Feb 22 21:20:30 CET 2009

komatos schreef:

 > And that is why I use a Mac (my PowerPC MacMini with Leopard & Tiger)
 > as my primary computer and my custom homebuilt AthlonXP2400+ from
 > 2001-2002 with WindowsXP Home with SP3 as my secondary computer.  Too
 > many days, nights, and weekends wasted troubleshooting and fixing
 > other customers virii and spyware infected PCs to ever bother relying

The plural of 'virus' is 'viruses'. The Latin plural of a word ending in 
'us' is 'i', not 'ii' (provided it's the first declension), but 'virus' 
doesn't have a plural.

It's explained here:

 > on Windows as a mission critical system.
 > All just my $.25 from personal experience.

I had to hand-edit this message, because this wonderful Mac of yours 
can't properly format an e-mail, but...

I can't remember my Windows 2000 system, but my Windows XP installations 
both at work and at home *never* crash. The one at home used to crash 
for some time, but it had a faulty hard disc. After the hard disc was 
changes, it has been rock stable.

The one at work runs with 2 GB and has usually Netbeans and something 
like Tomcat or sometimes a database server running. It used to have 1 
GB, which made it slow (Netbeans uses a *lot* of memory), but not unstable.

The one at home runs games, some of which are pushing this 5 year old 
system quite hard, and with 1 GB it was having trouble, so I upgraded it 
to 2.5 GB. Still, no instability because of the memory.

But if you buy el cheapo Chinese parts and install all sorts of rubbish, 
yes, you'll have problems with your computer. Since Macs are generally 
of excellent build quality and don't nearly have the amount of rubbish 
that you can install on Windows, you don't have this problem. But that's 
down to other factors than the operating system.

Obviously, nothing beats Solaris running on a Sun system. :)

- Peter

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