
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Feb 22 14:55:49 CET 2009

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> Been doing computermaintenence since thursday. Got a virus so I tried to 
> remove it and then update windows xp to sp3. When I was finished the 
> computer wouldn't start and a restore didn't work, couldn't even get 
> into safe mode.
> Reinstall, updating all xp files, even got sp3 installed and all worked 
> fine. After another day half of the apps were installed then my 
> virusprog started to warn again :-(
> Spent a day killing of the processes and removing infected files as my 
> virus prog, avast nor kaspersky could find the source just stop the 
> symptoms.
> Had to get a program called "Security Task Manager" and quarantine the 
> running processes and services (if I removed them they just relaunched) 
> and then search the registry for instances regarding the virus, found 
> about 30-40 with randomized names for the dll's that were loaded. Well 
> at least now it was gone...but now the computer won't start...and I'll 
> have to start over again :-|
> I guess some of my applications must have the virus but scanning with 
> several programs finds nothing...
> If this continues I'll have a hard time finishing a track :-(

That really sucks... :-(


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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