Be Warned...

Wed Feb 18 18:23:06 CET 2009

> Why *do* people use
> Facebook in the first place?

Maybe because some 'Media(s)' taught them the new fashion to be in  ?:P...
 Most of the time people look for  the easy way ... there we go ... and
there, they will be doomed and chained  with it  (cause in my theory
"nothing is free" if 'it seems to be'  you should wonder where is the
trick??... ) but people do stuff without thinking about the consequences of
it ...
IMO, maybe they don t have a life ?? but i m on facebook as well wtf ???
argggggggh the question is for how long ?
I thought and I really think now days  to erase my account  or at least
to stop to update stuff on this ( adding crap won t help me anyway ).,, for
my privacy sake ...

i think with the evolution of the technology people should be more aware
about the underground of it ...
But people believe only in what they see, this is why maybe Mark
Zuckerberg created the name   "Face-book"and not "memory-book" or "Iceberg
book"  and his GOD  knows how MUCH MONEY he makes with his Free FACEBOOK ...

+ My real friends know how to reach/ find  me (Email, telephone ,address to
send me real letter or even to visit me ! etc ...  ;)  ...
and they don t need to be assisted with facebook to "communicate" with me .
I don t need Facebook to communicate or to be  involve in anything .
This is something  that I CAN T mention about Music-bar ... ;)
Please keep Music bar the way it is (at least) .
 Glory to MUSIC BAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And face "FaKebook" ... ( i should
make a song about that ;)
+ I think the interface of "Fakebook" is a mess and not practical ( this
belong only to me maybe) ...

PS: Thank you Matt for the link and thank you MUSIC BAR to talk about this
subject  ...
Ps: i m becoming more and more paranoid too about google and gmail ...

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