New Mac Question

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Aug 27 15:31:42 CEST 2009

Andrew Robinson schreef:
> I agree there's no need for 8Gb, my 8core MacPro struggled with 1Gb,
> but seems fine with 2Gb. I think the tough choice now is jumping early
> to run Leopard and be sure of compatibility or waiting a little for
> Snow Leopard and whatever they might (or might not) announce in
> September.

I think I can wait another couple of weeks. No big hurry here :-)

> I still maintain that the 30" screen is the best value bit of kit I've
> ever bought, personally I'd ditch the SSD and spend the cash on 30
> instead of 24, but I'm probably doing a lot more graphics work than
> you... 

I'm doing quite a bit of Photoshopping, and I hope to do some 
movie editing in a later stage. I work on 19" now, though, so 24" 
is for sure going to be a big step forward. :-)

oh and the colours are less leeched out than they look here
> :
> :-)

Hehehe, very cool :-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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