2 Sequencers (was: Live Suite Dilemma)

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Apr 5 15:46:22 CEST 2009

James R. Coplin schreef:


  While most of the offenders of rocking
> the mouse have been using Live, I still think that ideally, Live is better
> suited to more open ended performances than something like Cubase would be.
> The user just needs to figure out how to make that bridge.

Good post. I use Live, Logic and Cubase. It all just depends on 
what kind of track I'm preparing. Slow evolving stuff is for 
Logic or Cubase, most of the time. Modern dancey and minimal 
stuff (lots of loops) is for Live. Also, simple pop tracks I 
mostly do in Live now.

As for using laptops and software to play live; I think during 
the last decades, with the upcoming of "modern" dance music, the 
emphasis has shifted towards new and special sounds, production 
tricks, and minimal changes in filters, effects, percussion. 
There is still space for the old fashioned verse-chorus-bridge 
thing, but that is more of a "normal" band thing. Also, because 
of MIDI and software, it is now possible to do stuff that you 
couldn't even dream of 20 years ago. This often leads to very 
complex arrangements that are almost unable to be played by live 
musicians, let alone by 1 or 2 people.

Personally I really couldn't care less if a "live" musician is 
rocking the mouse, playing over DAT tapes or jumping all around 
the stage like an idiot. What I don't like (and I have done this 
once) is complete playback. You really feel stupid when doing 
that. To my defence - so much went wrong before and during that 
gig, that we just didn't see any other solution...


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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