Live Suite Dilemma

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Apr 4 11:46:30 CEST 2009

Gert van Santen schreef:
> Peter Korsten schreef:
>> punkdISCO schreef:
>>> So, for an extra 150euros you get 750euro worth of stuff.
>>> I really don’t need any of the above but I hear they all intergrate so 
>>> well they can quickly become, say, your sampler of choice..
>> Let's just rephrase that:
>> "For an extra €150, you get €750 worth of stuff you don't need."
>> It's called amortisation of capital defenestration. :)
> It depends. I have found that I use internal Ableton Live plugins 
> a LOT because they sound great, all look the same, and working 
> with them is fast. Seeing the fact that I don't have as much time 
> for making music as I would like to, I think it is definitely 
> worth it. And it's not like paying 1,000 euros.
> For me it just works.

Just an afterthought. I will get myself an AKAI APC40 for working 
with Ableton in the studio, as well as live. I am already using 
most of my other gear to record samples into Live (Jomox,Xbase, 
Korg MS20, Virus arpeggiator, vocals, guitars, etc, etc...), and 
then work in Live towards the finished track.

Great way of working, and very flexible, especially since the new 
groove pool (AL8) and <Slice to new MIDI track> (AL7), and of 
course the awesome samplers that are included.. It really doesn't 
matter anymore if you might have recorded the wrong groove, the 
wrong speed, or if there are wrong notes in your loops - just 
edit them (away) in AL, and get on with your work :-)

have a nice weekend :-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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