BBC NEWS | Technology | Google's Android mobile unveiled

Wed Sep 24 13:10:15 CEST 2008

Holy crap around here in parts of Vienna you'd be lucky to see anyone  
not using a MacBook or toting an iPhone sheesh ...

ibi sum
::: top quotin' from the pocket :::

On Sep 24, 2008, at 12:34, "Andrew Robinson" <andrew at> wrote:

> 2008/9/24 The Dong <dong at>:
>> In all honesty, seriously, I have only EVER seen ONE iPhone in public
>> owned by a friend and that friend earns a LOT of money. Others may  
>> have
>> a Blackberry. That includes glancing about on buses and in pubs,  
>> shops etc.
> Interesting - are you looking for the for white headphones with a
> distinctive little lump for the headset mic that distinguishes the
> iPhone from iPod?
> I'm down in London for a mo, sorting out stuff to take to Worcester
> from my parents house, and on the commuter train from central London
> there were so many iPhones that mine didn't draw a second glance -
> very different from the first few weeks when strangers would strike up
> conversations about mine. At a guess it was split about 50% generic
> phones, 25% blackberries and 25% iphones - but of course the
> headphones give away an iphone but not a blackberry/other, so there's
> a bias there.
>> In the case of iPods, only one person I know has one that still  
>> works, a
>> new Shuffle, the only other one I know about is broken beyond  
>> reasonable
>> repair.
> They do die if you drop them often enough, but I killed a lot more
> Walkmen in the 80s than Wendy's kids have killed iPods (death toll so
> far is 1 dropped from a moving car, 1 lost, 1 retired due to newer
> model and 2 still in use). My shuffle and both my iPhones are as good
> as new. You can't walk round London without seeing white headphones
> everywhere. Even Wendy's Mum had one (admittedly only because she won
> it in a raffle, and she had no idea what it was even after having it
> explained for hours. She was so technophobic that she stuck to her old
> 'heat it on the gas ring' kettle, when a modern electric one was
> bought for her, she stuck it in the back of the cupboard saying 'it's
> broken, it keeps turning itself off!', but I digress...)
>> In the case of the desktop computer, NOBODY has one (unless you count
>> the first generation Apple Mac, of which there is one and someone  
>> owned
>> one of them for a week too, until they realised it wasn't a PC and  
>> none
>> of the software they needed would work on it) and laptops a  
>> staggering
>> single one (maybe 2) have I witnessed in 20 years. Really.
> Maybe it's just because I hang out with designers and musos a lot, but
> I see many more Macs than PCs. Could well be because I'm the 'go to
> guy' for people to have their new Macs explained to them though.
>> ... that is the main reason all their shit costs twice as much as
>> everyone elses. Not because it is twice as good.
> The Android phone is 10% cheaper then the iPhone. Ignoring allegances,
> would you really not find the extra cash to have 8Gb instead of 1Gb,
> and to have the free apps from the app store?
> - Andy_R
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