BBC NEWS | Technology | Google's Android mobile unveiled

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 24 11:45:34 CEST 2008

The Dong schreef:

> Apple is lying and deceiving us all as to how big a player it really is 
> and that is the main reason all their shit costs twice as much as 
> everyone elses. Not because it is twice as good.
> OK?

Naaah, Apple is not much better or a lot less good than other 
brands, I guess. They just sell cool things, and I own a couple 
of them.
A lot of my friends own Apple stuff as well, also much older 
Apple stuff, and mostly it all still works. I make most of my 
MIDI productions on a Power Mac 450 Dual that is at least 8 years 
old. It still performs great. You see a lot of Apple gear around 
here, it's sold in many shops, and you see MacBooks everywehere 
in commercials or in the papers and magazines. I guess you just 
live in a part of the world where Apple is less popular. No 
sweat. PCs are just as good. I work with both Macs and PCs - the 
best of both worlds, I guess...


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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