I got released!

Fri Oct 24 11:21:36 CEST 2008

> I've been meaning to check on this thread for a few days but keep getting
> distracted... heeheh!  :-)

Great!  New gear is awesome, eh?  :)

> This morning our little lady was wriggling and straining lots in bed and
> keeping her poor overtired mum awake too much, so I've currently got her
> (Maisy, not Katy!) wrapped cosily to me, and she's snoring away most
> beautifully.  Tired dad, but happy mum, so happy dad too.  :-)

Oh man, speaking of sleeping babes and the delirious effect they can
have on ones disposition, our little monkey has been christened "Bed
Worm", and I mean that "worm" in the DUNE sense.  Since its bloody
cold here these nights lately, our new laaaarge bed is blanket-city, a
kind of Duvet Dubai, and the Little Mister seems to insist on plowing
through them all, Atreides style .. Hilarious from the perspective of
two parents who haven't had a proper night sleep in ages, hah hah ..

But I gotta admit, there is something awesome about his little rythmn
now, how he gets lost in the middle of the bed sometimes, wakes up a
little, plows his way through the dunes into Daddys' arms, snuggles
up, farts, goes back to deep sleep.  Nothing better in the world than
having the little man snuggled up, warm and sleepy, just how he likes

Parenthood.  Its the new GAS.

> Not that I'm one for product endorsement, but this "Sleepy Wrap"
> (sleepywrap.com) we have is utter genius when it comes to settling her down.
> I swear they must have impregnated it with sedatives or something!

Yeah, we had something just like that for a few months too, but Flynn
out-grew it pretty fast.  Thats another thing, man, its truly awesome
to watch a human being grow so fast, daily.

> Thanks to all who checked out the track and gave such positive feedback!

Its great that you're still able to find the time to produce
superlative tracks as always Dave!  Myself, I got my rig set up at
MetaLab this week, properly, for the first time in a long time and we
are gradually inching towards having regular recording/producing
sessions there now .. very exciting, to be honest .. and I think its
high time I started focussing a bit more on Track development,
personally, so your lead in this area is highly invigorating, Mr. S...


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