Eee PC Ordered

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Oct 9 08:30:48 CEST 2008

Bill Fox schreef:
> Greetings,
> I ordered an Eee PC 900 today.  

Nice one, Bill. I'm sure you will have some good use from this 
little machine :-)

$379 and it includes Windows XP which
> suits me fine.  I back ordered an external DVD/CD burner for $79 to 
> complete the package.  That will allow me to move toward my goal of 
> religating my Dell laptop to 100% musical pursuits.  Meanwhile, my tower 
> PC in the home office will still limp along until I replace it.  I'm 
> seriously considering getting an iMac around the Thanksgiving time frame 
> (end of November).  That'll be my first step into the world of MACs.  
> Will my head explode with a foot in each camp?  ;-)

Don't worry. Many people do this. It's a great way to provide for 
all your computer needs. :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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