for people who like cats ;)

Wed Oct 1 13:43:29 CEST 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Romain Gros wrote:
> Ps:I m sorry  Jay if you don t like cats in general,..

Hey Romain, don't be sorry for anything man .. I don't like cats, some  
people don't like DIY, some people don't like safe backups, others  
don't like Jay, some others don't like guitars, etc.

Even though our numbers are dwindling (soon it'll only be me and  
Peter, I'm quite sure) and our old gang is splintering off into the  
winds, its still the music-bar.  You can talk about anything in here.   
There are no limits.  There never were, and never will be.  Thats why  
its okay for me to say "I don't like cats" and then continue to ignore  
the cats thread while you guys salivate over tiny kittens.

(Cat shit gets everywhere you know.)

Jay Vaughan

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