Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Mar 29 15:12:05 CET 2008

Martin Naef schreef:
> Hi Michael
> Michael Zacherl wrote:
>> I never had a compact camera until I entered the digital domain.
>> The current one (LUMIX FZ7) is quite ok but has a bad sensor.
>> Low dynamics range, low sensitivity, small, bad noise.
> Well, that's pretty much inherent in the small sensors. They are quite 
> ok with proper light (outdoor photography), but show their weaknesses 
> otherwise. However, depending on what you're trying to achieve, that 
> doesn't mean you couldn't make good pictures even under sub-optimal 
> conditions. Gert's gallery is a good example 

Thanks, Martin. Some pictures needed a 
lot of denoising and other tricks, 
though, and as soon as you start 
pixel-peeping, you will find horrible 
artefacts. For the internet many 
pictures are still very useable, though.

- he's got the full range
> from top cameras to P&S.

True. I make my choice of camera 
according to subject, quality needed and 

I started to write a response to the 
first e-mail in this thread, but after 
20 lines I deleted the whole thing 
because I thought you (Martin) said it 
very well when you wrote: "Which one is 
more important to you: Portability or 
image quality?"

>  but sometimes I 
> prefer just taking the camera alone in a separate bag, and maybe one 
> extra lens 

That's what I often do. Works very well.
> It is expensive, indeed. But it's worth it for me. But then, my picture 
> counter on the new camera is already on 2923, after 6 months and no 
> major holidays...

Happens to me too. In the analogue days 
I shot 200-300 pictures a year. Now it 
can be 300-500 per day (on special 
occasions, of course).

So, if someone would ask me what I would 
(want to) buy if I had to start all over 
again, I would answer:

A small camera bag with:
1 cheap consumer DSLR body Nikon or 
Canon (400-700 euros)
1 low light lense (e.g. 28 mm f1.8 or 50 
f1.4) (200-350 euros)
1 zoom lens wide-tele (eg 18-200 mm) 
(300-700 euros, depending on Image 

For in your pocket:
1 compact camera with wide angle/tele 
(min. 28 mm), IS and hi ISO (200-400 euros)

Then you choose your camera according to 
subject, quality, portability.



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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