Amazon "person" reviews

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Mar 25 13:01:26 CET 2008

Ron West schreef:
> 6 pages makes for a fun read -
> example -
> This chainsaw worked OK at first. I was using it to edge the lawn and
> it did a pretty good job. Not quite as clean as I would have liked but
> you can't beat the price. Well, I got to the end of one side of my
> lawn, and I wanted to turn it off. Not knowing how to do so (I didn't
> really read the directions), I just tried to grab the blade and stop
> it with my hands. Boy was that a bad idea! Now I don't have any
> fingers and I had to buy that $900 dictation software so that I can
> still use my computer. I really should have paid attention to that
> label that said "do not attempt to stop blade with hands", but who
> really pays attention to that stuff? The worst part about it is that I
> can't do my job anymore and I can't even sue the company that made
> it(something about putting a warning label on the product removes
> their liability). Yeah, I saw that warning label and it wasn't
> kidding! I will never "attempt to stop blade with hands" again!

Fun stuff :-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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