Its been a week...

Michael Zacherl EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Mar 10 12:17:37 CET 2008

On Mar 10, 2008, at 12:04 PM, S?ren Knudsen wrote:

> It's been a week since a handed in my master's thesis. And I have done
> nothing but relax ever since. Geese, it took some energy to get it  
> done!

Congratulations, S?ren!  :-)

> I've only been able to follow the bar on the side-line in the last  
> while, but
> it has been cool to see all the work that has been going on, on RPM.  
> I would
> really have like to go to Frome in a couple of weekends, but alas,  
> the 23rd
> of March is also my wife's birthday...

wouldn't that be a gret present? No?  :-D
(never mind)

> Well, anyways. If people are interested in tabletop computing and  
> multi-touch
> and tangible computing in relation to this, my thesis could be a  
> good place
> to start. Another excellent intro is Bill Buxton's (principal  
> researcher
> at microsoft research) site:

thx for the pointer!

    thumbs up!  :-) Michael.

keep your ears open:

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