Lesson Learnt

Mon Jun 16 13:40:34 CEST 2008

I guess that's what happens when you start reading posts from gearslutz :)
These days I find that my focus on gear purchases has shifted from 
synths to processors. Ask me if I would buy a hardware EQ or compressor  
for $2000 a couple of years ago and I'd probably think you were crazy 
but I'm finding it's not so nuts after all :)


James Green wrote:
>> So I just lost out on an ebay auction for a SSL X-Logic SuperAnalogue 
>> channel strip :(
>> I'm at work so I was going to put in my bid in the remaining 
>> hour of the 
>> auction and wouldn't you know it, all hell broke loose at 
>> work so I got 
>> side tracked and wasn't able to place a bid. I guess the moral of the 
>> story is, if you want to buy something at least place a minimum bid.
>> BTW, the SSL sold for $1550 and I would have paid up to $1800 
>> for it :(
>> http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2702445
>> 95406&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=017
> Gutted ... That is a seriously cool bit of kit.

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