what an ass, I have a serious gear issue...

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jul 30 23:23:58 CEST 2008

Kim Johnsson schreef:

> Bought & renovating a house. Works wonders. I just don't have the guts
> to shell out large sums for anything else than the house. This would
> be true even if I actually had the money, which in this situation just
> isn't the case. It hurts, but I'll live. Plus, it feels good to invest
> in the house anyway, so it's not a problem really. More of a
> postponement kind of thing. I hope. Sincerely.

Putting money into your house is an investment. Putting money in gear, 
on the whole, isn't.

Think 30 years from now... you could have lost all interest in music, 
but there's a good chance you'll still live in the same house.

- Peter

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