what an ass, I have a serious gear issue...

Wed Jul 30 19:46:14 CEST 2008

James R. Coplin wrote:

> ...to prevent this sort of thing in the future.  Anyone else
> with absurd gear habits?

OK, here's what I've actively managed *not* to buy lately:

- Evolver (any model, probably MEK)
- Prophet 08
- Jomox 888
- Nord Modular G2
- Korg Mono/Poly
- "Any" analog sequencer
- Line 6 Variax + a pod
- miscellaneous modules & patch cords

<drum roll>

</drum roll>

I did buy two pairs of drum sticks on monday.

My secret?

Bought & renovating a house. Works wonders. I just don't have the guts
to shell out large sums for anything else than the house. This would
be true even if I actually had the money, which in this situation just
isn't the case. It hurts, but I'll live. Plus, it feels good to invest
in the house anyway, so it's not a problem really. More of a
postponement kind of thing. I hope. Sincerely.



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