Midibox Seq v3

Tue Jul 8 11:16:51 CEST 2008

Mikael Hansson wrote:
> Dreaming about building this but don't know if I can? How difficult is 
> it, what does it involve if I would buy a readymade kit from Mike's and 
> order frontpanel and housing readymade?

If you can afford to buy all this, it's not so bad I think.
For something like the Seq, it does end up like bundles of spaghetti 
interconnecting all the modules.
Depends on your soldering speed and accuracy, the accuracy part is the 
dreaded moment when it all goes together and doesn't quite work ;)

All the Midibox projects are modular and each cheap enough that this 
should not be much of a problem. Some of the PCBs have some fiddly 
soldering and they are bare copper/without a solder through protective 
coating. I think the trickiest is the Midibox FM, but that's only 
because it has 3 surface mount chips. I lacquered the PCBs right after 
soldering, testing and cleaning up.

What takes the most time is making panel cutouts and casings if you 
cannot afford to have it done pro. One mistake and you kick yourself.

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