Synth Price (again!) was Blofelds

Wed Jan 30 09:06:23 CET 2008

> I think your views on synth prices are a little overly simplified.  
> Synths are cheaper today than at anytime in the past, and the trend  
> is still downward.

Sure, some synths are cheap, but some refuse to play by the 21st  
century economic rules.

> Maybe your time at Access has blurred you objectivity? Maybe you  
> see the Virus as 100euros worth of components but then ignore the  
> R&D (which would have been huge back in the early days), the  
> distribution, the manufacture, the administration, etc etc etc..   
> Sure, once you get to the Virus B, C, then TI, it?s a lot less  
> effort but honestly, there was once a time when Mr Virus had to  
> support themselves in a day job then put in many 1000s of hours  
> worth of R&D just on the off chance that there might be a  
> commercial product at the end of it. Plus, taking big financial  
> risks.  That counts for something..  But I don?t know their history  
> so maybe this is totally off..

maybe my view is colored, you are right, but maybe also the synth  
industry is stagnant and

>  Im sure the Virus directors are not millionaires or even  
> particularly rich.

Millionaire?  Definitely (note the singular).

> Certainly no more so then if they had taken their obvious talents  
> into a well chosen salaried job where there is zero risk..  Again,  
> this is only speculation..

Spoken like a true banker.  I defer to your economic stance.

Jay Vaughan

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