Digital Mixers: what have you got your eyes on?

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jan 20 21:02:52 CET 2008

Jay Vaughan schreef:
> So, I'm thinking about getting a digital mixer in the near future ..  
> minimum 16 channels .. my FirePOD has bitten the dirt (firmware  
> failure, has to go back) and I want to get a mixing console back again.
> What have you guys got your eyes on?  Anything in particular  
> interesting worth considering?

Hi Jay, I guess I'm a bit late. I was 
going to answer the Korg Zero8, just 
like Tony.

I have been checking out this machine a 
couple of months ago for Harry (Wave 
World). We didn't get in to deep, but it 
was looking very interesting indeed. He 
hasn't decided yet, btw...



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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