Miniversion of Virus TI

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Jan 15 11:52:11 CET 2008

Jay Vaughan schreef:
>> Well, it's certainly not an either-or decision (despite what I wrote
>> above). But I just found that I hit the brick wall so quickly that it
>> makes a lot more sense to take the hardware as the default, and only
>> revert to software where my synth's don't deliever. I do plan to do  
>> more
>> in-the-box mixing, so I can't afford to spend too many cycles on
>> soft-synths.
> What I like about RAX is that it presents all the softsynths in an  
> interface that really makes it easy to just step through sounds, go  
> to a track, lay it down, access parameters easily, go to the next  
> track, etc.  Maybe there is something like this on the PC side:
> The way this integrates with onboard softsynths really makes it easy  
> to move into production without worrying about setup/config issues..

Looking nice.



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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