Production question

Joost Schuttelaar EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jan 11 22:41:51 CET 2008

On Jan 10, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Gorman, Declan wrote:

> I am re-visiting a track that I made a while back and have a question
> regarding one aspect of it that is bothering me.  The main synth line
> which is prominent throughout the track drowns out a lot of the other
> sounds when the filter is opened up and while I still want to retain  
> the
> dynamics of the sound I don't want it to drown out every thing  
> else.  I
> presume I should be using a compressor but as I'm still getting to  
> grips
> with compressors I am unsure as to what settings to use.  I could be
> wrong so please correct me if I am.

Main synth line -> compressor <- sidechain input <- Kick
                       +--> output :)

I've recently heard that Live 7 is good at this ;)


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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