Apple Time Machine Not Filling Disk

Michael Z. - Noiseconformist EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Feb 29 13:04:20 CET 2008

>>> anyone using Apple Time Machine can confirm that it filled its
>>> backup disk?
>> Just started it yesterday for the first
>> time. It backed up my complete drive.
> we've been using it for a few weeks here at home, works just fine ..
> no problems so far.  nightly backups are done at 9:30pm, and its
> usually very fast to complete ..

same here!
My concern is the retention time of the backups.
I checked "warn me if deleting old backups".
As I tried to describe earlier, until yesterday early evening my oldest
backups were from Jan 12th.
After the rehearsal (after reconnecting the backup disk) preparing the
following backup took quite long (15min or so, like after the update to
This morning I noticed that the oldest backup available is from Jan 23rd.
It didn't warn me (as checked in the configs) and there are still 100GBs
of space on my backup disk.

u c?



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