A beautiful DIY synth ..

Fri Feb 22 08:21:37 CET 2008

> With a proper case, and hand-wired pots and sockets? The PCBs are
> quickly populated in my experience, but the rest can take some time.

for sure, i'd do things the professional way and make a wiring  
harness .. this cuts out a *lot* of time, and its not an obvious step  
for most DIY'ers who just bung things together piece by piece ..

> With kits that are complete, it should be straight forward, but do you
> have any plans for those kits that come without the panel/case/sockets
> etc. assembly?

yes, i'll use the techniques taught me in my youth while i was a  
solder-monkey on a real production line, producing hundreds of radios  
and heat controllers for companies in singapore per week ..

> I'm probably not in your target audience anyway, as I enjoy building
> things myself. But where I see potential is in the *complete* kit  
> field:
> I feel I spend a lot more time hunting down components than actually
> building the thing - one of these activities I consider fun, the other
> is pain, not hard to guess which one I mean...

i know what you mean about the potential here.  we'd like to sex it  
up a bit also by providing a full documentation trail -and live video  
on the web- from parts to completion ..

Jay Vaughan

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