RPM08 Mastering?

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Feb 20 22:10:19 CET 2008

Michael Zacherl schreef:
> On 20.02.2008 19:44 Uhr, Tony Scharf wrote:
>> Usually, with mastering, youll get some multi-band compression and eq
>> applied to the overall mix to smooth things out.  
> which leads eventually to a different release, IMHO.

I don't agree with that. A song that is 
tighter, more balanced and probably a 
bit louder, is still the same song to my 

>> I dont see why anyone would
>> add actual FX at the end stage.  mastering is all about turning a
>> bunch of songs into a coherent whole.

...which might mean that some overall 
reverb must be added...



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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