Implementing zynaddsubfx PADSynth on SoundBite hardware ..

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Feb 19 11:40:03 CET 2008

ibi sum schreef:
> Stan and me have been jamming pretty heavily with ZynAddSUBFx lately, 
> and its wonderful - some examples of what you can do from last nights 
> jam - CAUTION: unedited, chaotic, synth noise soundscape, all live, no 
> presets - here:

I'm halfway the second file (I like this 
one better than the first). It sounds 
like a music-bar jam where everyone is 
heavily under the influence. Hehe... ;-)

I can see how you guys are having a lot 
of fun with this. Is there any chance 
you can upload a picture of your set-up? 
I have no idea what this looks like.

Thanks for sharing. Cheers!



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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