Auto-Tune Abuse in Pop Music - 10 Examples

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Feb 7 20:30:45 CET 2008

Peter Korsten schreef:
> Gert van Santen schreef:
>> It's only a matter of taste. I like that 
>> sound, as long as it's not on every word 
>> in every song, because then it gets just 
>> as boring as metal guitars.
> It's the main reason, though, that I don't really like Madonna's album 
> 'Music'. Every bloody song has that effect! Especially given that the 
> previous album was 'Ray of light'.

Ah, yes, Music. Hm, I'm not particularly 
disturbed by that album. But I must 
confess I have mostly played it on low 
volume during work.



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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