New Tune: Muteqx - Game Grid

Thu Feb 7 20:25:34 CET 2008

Hey Bar,

I hope everybody is well?

It's been absolutely ages since I wrote a tune - let alone finished one!  But 
here is something I've been working on for the last few days and have just 

It's a dubstep track, which I guess may not be to some of your tastes, but I'm 
really happy with it.

This would probably have been part of my RPM submission if I was going to 
enter, but I decided not to, as I thought it would be better for me to set 
aside time to write 3-4 tracks that really push myself and go in the 
direction I want to go in, rather than bang out an album of hastily cobbled 
together things for some arbitrary deadline.

As long as I make myself get on and write music, I win - which I am doing now, 
so that seems to be working.  I've finally got something to get enthusiastic 
about because this track is going to get some radio play from a DJ friend of 
mine next week... w00t! :-)

Comments and criticism welcome - thanks for listening!



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