(rant) people suck

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Feb 7 14:52:44 CET 2008

Jay Vaughan schreef:
>> Hehe...I hadn't expected that comment
>> from you, but it's true. That's why I
>> still have it. :-)
> i'm enjoying my new jam setup immensely:  eee pc (realtime kernel,  
> 2gigs RAM), faderfoxes lv1+lx1, emagic mt4 midi interface, yamaha  
> piano controller.  amsynth, seq24, zynaddsubfx - typically getting 4  
> to 6 voices, and it rocks ..

Very small - except for that controller! 
Sounds like a set-up I might like - and 
one you could bring to any music-bar jam 
session (midi syncable too).

What sort of tracks/jams/music/sounds 
are you making with it?



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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