New songs from Romain

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Aug 5 00:25:56 CEST 2008

Romain Gros schreef:
> Hi Gert ,
> I must admit that I  know you (Galaxy Emperor ) don' t like much 
> grunting  and this is influencing me unconsciously since a while  ;)

Hehehe... ;-)

> I'm glad that you like " I went to the west "  ( my neighbor like it 
> very much too ! ;)
> and the most of my friend who know my music are very surprised with this 
> song. hehe :D

Kristin said she liked it as well :-)
> About releasing a good album I'm working on it but I'm an imperfect 
> perfectionist ;)...and shy ...
> Of course  it's a cool idea if you want to drop by at my place in 
> September ( maybe with Joost ? ) 

It's a deal. Just to be sure I won't forget it, I already wrote 
13/14 Sept. in my Calendar. We can change the date, no problem, 
but at least there's an appointment :-)
> You are more than welcome ...;)
> Noodles or other kind of food and drinks are always cool :)
> Thank you again for all your advices it's much appreciated .
> Cheers...
> Romain

That's OK :-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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