Fun with the Cracklebox

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Sep 14 12:24:23 CEST 2007

Niall Munnelly schreef:
> I bought one of these for herself a few years ago, and I'm
> glad we brought it here.  The jack russell we inherited,
> Ignatz, is _crazy_ for the Cracklebox.  Ears perked and tail
> wagging, he jumps, trying to snatch it from my hands.  It's
> effective for calling him home too, since I can't whistle
> very well.

Yes, I remember my Kraklebox. I won it 
at the Synth DIY raffle in Cambridge, a 
couple of years ago.
It was serious fun, and our cats were 
rather intrigued, but after a while it 
gets boring. I gave it away to Jay, who 
is now enjoying it. I guess when he is 
done with it, it might go to his son ;-)

Actually, come to think of it... I 
should have sampled it... I guess I 
might still do that at the Vienna 
Shelter Meet...



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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