So, that super-exciting thing I was promising!!!

Wed Oct 10 19:20:39 CEST 2007

Yesterday i went to see Soft Machine.
 It was super cool to see old people from the 70's performing like hell !
i really liked it ! i mean LOVE IT!
In guest it was a band called " floating stoned" they were just 2 guys : one
guitar, the second guy was there to play percussions with different stuff
but he used specially an Udo ===> this is so cool i want to buy  one !!!
I don't know if someone from the music-bar used already this device ???....
it sounds like a tabla ...but it so cooolllllllllllll :P:P

All in all the performence of this 2 guys was just AMAZING!
i advice you guys to check out ...

On 10/8/07, Tony Hardie-Bick <tony at> wrote:
> Dave S wrote:
> > Only on Saturday night, I had an *incredible* first-time jam with a
> little
> > fivesome of Nottingham folks: me on bass, my friends John on guitar,
> Matt on
> > tenor sax, Ney on percussion and vocals, and the icing on the cake (and
> this
> > really was a special thing), a Gambian guy called Sura who played the
> Kora.
> Damn. Now you make me jealous. One other african instrument I really
> want to play with is djembe - someone really trained in the classical
> african tradition (like, really serious sh*t).
> > What an incredible instrument!!!!!  The incredible player helped,
> admittedly -
> > this guy's thumbs moved faster than... well, faster than speeding thumbs
> > should be able to move!
> The training for Kora, Djembe (and other drums) and the various
> marimba-like instruments is staggering. Like, they practice for months
> on one time sig, then months on another, then, a year or so later, start
> playing one in each hand at the same time. Then, there's melody...
> > For me, this idea of a jam session of (relatively!) skilled musicians,
> playing
> > together for an audience, but without always knowing what to play...
> that's
> > pretty much the pinnacle of what I want to aim for musically these days.
> > (Though that's not saying I won't continue to do other things too.)
> My aim has always been to construct on-the-fly. Certain combinations of
> instrument work better than others. Three is a good number, with only
> one of those playing any kind of chords. I'm also intrigued about
> sufficient variation, and there's a balance between constructability and
> variance that can be achieved, that I think is much higher than one
> imagines, when approaching such a project at the beginning.
> > So, the only remaining question is: where do we go from here?  :-)
> Go with the flow. If you're willing to give out, the universe gives
> back. If there seems no outlet, then practice, practice, practice. About
> a year ago I asked myself how many hours a day I spent at a computer,
> programming, email, whatever, and how many I spent practicing. I swapped
> the two numbers around. We'll see if music can pay the rent as well as
> programming (even Free Music ;) )
> Tony (HB)
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