blown-up my fireworx :(
Don't thread on my tentacles, Earthling!
Mon Oct 8 15:08:00 CEST 2007
Le 6 oct. 07 ? 11:46, The Dong a ?crit :
> Cyrille.Damez at wrote:
>> The power supply of my TC Fireworx broke a couple months ago. I've
>> brought it
>> for repair to a nearby shop, but despite trying for several
>> months, the guy
>> hasn't managed to get replacement parts from TC and gave up.
>> Apparently this
>> is quite typical (both the hardware failure, and the subsequent
>> behavior from
>> TC).
> Not just TC.
> Most companies I've tried to get replacement parts for faulty gear are
> silly about it. Either it takes forever sifting through phone lines,
> only to be told at the correct end that they won't deal with
> individuals, or they joyously announce that they can supply a
> replacement PCB etc. but it has to be ordered from China/Japan/
> Thailand
> and costs the same price as the bit of gear you want to repair...
For the prosecution: in EU they must have the parts during TEN years?
Denis H]
Je hais le ouifi
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