Stuff for sale [was BBC NEWS...]

Andy Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Oct 1 23:28:22 CEST 2007

On Oct 1, 2007, at 5:20 PM, Andy Tarpinian wrote:

> I find myself using the iPhone around the house for web and mail  
> instead of my macbook. It's actually pretty incredible, as I leave  
> my house my mac comes with me. Plus I can watch robot chicken at  
> the drop of a hat :)

Speaking of which anyone want to buy a used year old macbook maybe?  
It's first gen, core duo 1 2ghz blackbook. I'm thinking of maybe  
selling it and getting a macbook pro, prob will be selling some music  
gear soon as well.

Music gear that may be up:

virus KC
Electribe EMX
Akai S20
and a few other things.

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