looking for a synth

paula at synth.net paula at synth.net
Mon Apr 9 11:08:59 CEST 2018

Seems nice, but I'd like something with a bit more grunt. 

something like a 300Mhz+ ARM based platform would be cool. 


On 2018-04-09 06:15, Ibi Sum wrote:

> Was just wondering if you'd bumped into it yet.. PlatformIO is a great tool for managing these libraries and the tool chains you'd use for different platforms - kind of a step up from the Arduino ecosystem but very similar. A bit more pro in regards to how one organizes a project with platformIO.. I say this as a software guy who knows enough hardware to be dangerous, kind of opposite of you. :) 
> Im hacking on this at the moment, which is a similar CPU to the one in the MS3000, so I'm porting my projects to it: http://m5stack.com/ 
> A bit more viable, hardware-wise than the MS3000... even easy to add MIDI to it. 
> ; 
> -- 
> seclorum  
> On Apr 8, 2018, at 23:56, paula at synth.net wrote:
> Never said anything about the platform, just the specs.
> Teensy is a 180Mhz Arm M4.
> Remember, I'm a hardware guy who can hack code, anything that makes that simple is good for me. Arduino offers a tonne of libraries so I can focus on doing what I want rather than spending weeks writing an LCD driver. 
> so for me, yes, I like the Teensy :)
> On 2018-04-08 17:17, Jay Vaughan wrote: 
> You think Teensy 3.6 is a viable platform for developing things, Paula?  Are you familiar with PlatformIO?
> j. 
> On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 12:48 AM, <paula at synth.net> wrote:
> I have one, but it's not quite as powerful as the teensy 3.6 and it doesn't have the arduino support the teensy does. 
> On 2018-04-07 09:21, Ibi Sum wrote:
> Axolotl synth!  It's amazing!
> ;
> --
> seclorum
> On Apr 6, 2018, at 23:04, paula at synth.net wrote:
> Hmm, perhaps, though for power I'd go with a teensy 3.6 :)
> On 2018-04-06 21:01, Ibi Sum wrote:
> Hey Paula, some of those Alfa CEM's with a bit of .. ermmm .. ESP32 ..
> love... that'd be a worthy pitch, me thinks...
> ;
> --
> seclorum
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