diode diodeladder at free.fr
Wed Nov 18 22:03:48 CET 2015

Le 18 nov. 2015 à 17:01, Jay Vaughan (ibisum) a écrit :

>> I think I need one modular synth more… ^^ (GAS at work)
> I went with a friend to the local music store today and had a play on all the latest toys .. he’s probably going to get a Roland JX-3P thingy, or maybe the JU-06, or maybe both .. meanwhile I checked out the ARP Odyssey, which is wicked,

I'm lusting there too. The Odyssey especially.

> and a whole ton of other great new gear .. very fun times.  Felt like it was the 90’s all over again, what with all the new gear that’s out .. Didn’t really like the Yamaha Reface thingies (no surprise) but they seem pretty decent.  Akai TimbreWolf was a hoot, also ..

got to check these ^^

> But yeah, I think modular is the way to go these days.  So many interesting things in that department.

The axoloti is damn sexy and cheap, you can built a lot of different things for nothing and at least the software won't die due to closed code. Reminds me the  Nord modular without the bug hassle on OSX, and more flexible.

Mhmmm multiple axoloti…

diodeladder at free.fr

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