Early documentary about Sampling ..

K9 Kai Niggemann kai at kainiggemann.com
Mon May 18 19:32:03 CEST 2015

Hi Paul, 

that thing looks good. I found one that was sold and advertised for the MPC that cost an arm and about four legs. How much is that thing you are getting?

Let me know how you fare and if they have sorted out the ROM issues they seemed to have with one batch...


On 18.05.2015, at 18:35, foRUMS 4 punkdISCO <forums at punkdisco.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Kai
> NO, the ASRX does not have transwaves.  I have never heard of these before but they do indeed sound fierce!!
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk_LbN8P1kM
> The ASR10 is now on my list L
> > If only I could get a modern storage medium connected (preferably internally) into either one for a decent price...
> If you have SCSI, you are sorted!!!  I just ordered this internal CF interface for my ASRX:
> http://www.artmix.com/wordpress/?p=724
> Will only work with 2Gb CFs or below but, that is still pretty good..  Being SCSI, the load times is super fast compared to the floppy drives.
> Unless you have no alternative, definitely avoid non-SCSI interfaces.  I put a HxC CF drive in my Emulator II and whilst this is the Emulator’s best storage choice, being a “floppy emulator” it emulates everything including the slow load times (45ish  seconds!).
> Let me know if you need a hand finding a CF drive for the ASR and I have spent loads of time researching this stuff..
> Ta,
> Paul
> London
> www.punkdisco.co.uk
> From: K9 Kai Niggemann [mailto:kai at kainiggemann.com] 
> Sent: 18 May 2015 16:47
> To: Music bar
> Subject: Re: Early documentary about Sampling ..
> On 18.05.2015, at 16:24, foRUMS 4 punkdISCO <forums at punkdisco.co.uk> wrote:
> You into sampling, Jay (and all)?
> Yes, absolutely! I don't know if the ASR-X has the same engine as the ASR-10, but the transwave-sampling as Ensoniq calls it, is fierce! it's almost granular and really fun to use (despite the lack of a graphical display). 
> This and the MPC-2000 have changed me and my music tremendously. 
> If only I could get a modern storage medium connected (preferably internally) into either one for a decent price...
> I guess from where I'm coming from, I should really get an octatrack at some point. But it just feels too much like a computer in disguise...;)
> Kai
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