Music Party October 5th, Wageningen - some extra info

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Wed Sep 25 22:57:50 CEST 2013

Op 25-9-2013 22:01, punkdISCO schreef:
> Sounds like you are all on top of things, Gert..  Its going to be a great
> weekend..
> We had our first rehearsal in a proper studio last weekend.  It went pretty
> badly, if Im honest.  We are still putting in a truck load of hours on this
> and have the studio booked again on Saturday.  As it stands, we are not good
> enough to play live BUT, we are doing everything possible to change this..
> Fingers crossed..

Hey, Paul,

I honestly appreciate all the work you are doing for this. If you 
guys feel better about doing an afternoon slot, no sweat.

And remember - nothing you do in life is wasted :-)



gert van santen

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